158 research outputs found

    Developing Students’ Essay Writing about Tourism Topics through Word Clustering Technique

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    This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of developing students’ essay writing about tourism topics through word clustering technique. The subjects under study were students sitting on semester 6 at Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional (International Bali Institute of Tourism). This classroom action research (CAR) was basically triggered by the fact that the subjects under study have still low capability in English essay writing about Tourism Topics. This study made use of pre-test or initial reflection (IR) and post-test research design using descriptive analysis. There were two cycles in this CAR and each cycle consists of four successive sessions. The IR was intended to establish the real pre-existing English essay writing capability of the subject under study. The Mean of the Pre-test or IR score obtained by the subjects under study was 3.63. The Mean of the Post-test or R scores both in Cycle I and in Cycle II showed an increasing figure which is 4.12 in S1, 5.06 in S2, 5.78 in S3, 6.34 in S4, 6.76 in S5, 7.14 in S6, 7.44 in S7 and 7.82 in S8. These figures showed that the Mean of the Post-test or R scores in each session was much higher than the Mean of Pre-test or IR in essay writing. The data analysis further led to the computation of the Grand Mean score for both Cycles I and Cycle II. The computation of the Grand Mean resulted in Cycle I (XI) was 5.32. The computation of the Grand Mean resulted in Cycle II was 7.29. The difference Mean of Cycle I and cycle II is 1.97 (XII – XI = 7.29 – 5.32 = 1.97). These research findings revealed that developing students’ essay writing about the tourism topics through word clustering technique was very effective.

    Ogoh-ogoh: Pelestarian Budaya dan Peningkatan Ekonomi Musiman Masyarakat Bali

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    Tulisan ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan tentang ogoh-ogoh yang kini telah menjadi kebudayaan masyarakat Bali juga telah menjadi peluang bisnis yang menggiurkan khususnya pada hari menjelang perayaan hari raya Nyepi. Memahami pendapat Keesing tentang kebudayaan sebagai totalitas pengetahuan manusia, pengalaman yang terakumulasi dan ditransmisikan secara sosial (Maran, 2007), dapat dipahami bahwa ogoh-ogoh tercipta dari adanya kreatifitas manusia yang memanfaatkan pengetahuan dan estetika yang dimilikinya. Ogoh-ogoh meskipun bukan merupakan sebuah hal yang patut dan atau harus ada pada perayaan hari raya Nyepi yang terkait dengan ritual agama Hindu, namun keberadaanya hingga saat ini tetap dipertahankan karena merupakan sebuah budaya yang diciptakan oleh masyarakat Bali yang telah mampu memberi manfaat ekonomi bagi siapapun yang terlibat di dalamnya. Kata Kunci: Ogoh-ogoh, Produk Budaya, Hari Raya Nyep

    Pengelolaan Ekosistem Untuk Pengendalian Hama Lada

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    Ecosystem Management for Controlling Black Pepper PestPest is one of the obstacles of black pepper production in Indonesia. The pest attacks all parts of the plant such as inflorescens, fruits, shoots, branches and stems at nursery as well as in the field. In Indonesia black pepper was infested by 3 species of pests, namely stem borer, Lophobaris piperis Marsh, pepper berry bug, Dasynus piperis China and lace bug, Diconocoris hewetti (Dist.). The population of stem borers always presents in the field with different stages (egg, larvae, pupa and adult), while lace bug and pepper berry bug are found in the field during flowering and fruit stages. Control of black pepper pests by farmers is usually using syntetic pesticide. Other alternative to manage black pepper pest namely ecosystem management and natural enemy such as parasitoid. To increase the natural enemy population can be done by natural enemie conservation through cover crops, mix cropping and limited weeding. Arachis sp., Orthosiphon sp., Ocimum sp. and Coffea sp. plants can be used in cropping system with black pepper